Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Black Out

I am a juice-lapping cat,
licking black bean sauce
from a #28 plate
under a flashlight--
storm ahead, no electricity.

I am a curious cat
peeking out a window
adjusting eyes in the dark
wondering what others are doing,
a nice cool breeze on my face,
a fly crawls along the window screen.

Flashes of lightning,
lights from cars
expose my living room.
Neighbors walk around outside
slamming car doors
speaking in Spanish
waving flashlights in their hands.
A child cries "Mama. Maammaaa!"
Little footsteps scamper
along the parking lot.

I am a bored cat
watching cars pass by
wishing to be
on the computer
checking email.
Instead, I will curl up
on the couch, go to sleep.
